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In order to ensure a product / service based on the maximum satisfaction of its customers, and more generally, of all interested parties, the organisation defines its Quality Policy as the reference principles.

Attention focused on the customer and interested parties

The organization is committed to understanding customer needs and plans its activities to fully satisfy them.

In the same way, it operates in compliance with the requests and requirements:

  • Of the reference market
  • Of the country in which it operates, complying with laws and regulations
  • Of all the parties involved in their critical processes

Process approach

The organization identifies the various activities of the organisation as processes to be planned, monitored and constantly improved and the best resources available for their implementation.

The organization identifies the various activities of the organization as processes to be planned, The organization manages its processes so that they are unique:

  • The objectives to be pursued and the expected results
  • The related responsibilities and the resources employed constantly monitor and improve and activate the resources for their realization in the best possible way.


The organization assumes responsibility for the effectiveness of its QMS, making all the necessary resources available and making sure that the planned objectives are compatible with the context and the strategic guidelines of the organization.
The organization communicates the importance of the QMS and actively involves all interested parties, coordinating and supporting them.

Risk and opportunity assessment

The organization identifies the various activities of the organization as processes to be planned, monitored and constantly improved and the best resources available for their implementation.

  • Evaluate and deal with the risks associated with the processes
  • Exploit and reinforce the opportunities identified
  • The organization promotes an adequate sense of proactivity in managing its risks at all levels.

Involvement of staff and stakeholders

The organization is aware that the involvement of staff and all stakeholders, combined with the active participation of all collaborators, are a primary strategic element.
It promotes the development of internal professional skills and the careful selection of external collaborations in order to equip themselves with competent and motivated human resources.


The organisation has a permanent goal of improving the performance of its QMS.
La preliminare valutazione dei rischi e delle opportunità connessi ai processi aziendali, le attività di verifica, interna ed esterna, e il riesame della Direzione sono gli strumenti che l’organizzazione mette in atto per migliorarsi costantemente.
Lo strumento scelto per la persecuzione della propria Politica da parte dell’Organizzazione è un Sistema di Gestione della Qualità conforme alla norma UNI EN ISO 9001 ed. 2015.

DATA: 20.11.2017

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